I have a lot of fun with this website. A big part of that is giving awards to my models every year. The first award I ever gave out is the "Model of the Year" award at the end of 2006 (the first full year in Bill's Playhouse history). Of course that award went to the first model to ever work for Bill's Playhouse-beautiful and amazingly talented Fayth on Fire. Fayth is the only model to work for Bill's Playhouse every year of our existence, and fittingly was the first model inducted into the BPH Hall of Fame. Even though Fayth lives over a thousand miles away from me, we still work together every year when she visits the Northeast!
Addie Juniper
The first few years of Bill's Playhouse were a little slow-I didn't start shooting my own sets regularly until late in 2007-so most of the work that I posted on the website were from custom sets shot by models in other parts of the country. Addie Juniper shot several custom sets for me in 2007, winning her the Model of the Year award (called "MVP") that year. Seven years later-on January 25, 2014-I finally got to meet and work with Addie in person. This photo is from that shoot!
Debbie West
Debbie West (new modeling name as of March 2022) is one classy lady, inside and out! Debbie is a happily married mother (and grandmother!) with a full time job, and is also a very active model! Our first shoot together was in July 2008, and we have worked together every year since! In fact Fayth and Debbie D are the only models who have worked for Bill's Playhouse longer than Debbie West, whose stunning good looks and amazing facial expressions made her an instant hit among BPH fans. This photo is from one of the numerous custom sets we shot together. Debbie was BPH Model of the Year in 2009, and the fourth model ever to be inducted into the Bill's Playhouse Hall of Fame.
I have been fortunate to work with hundreds of beautiful, talented, and passionate women, none more passionate than Rayne. This pretty lady was my first "local" model from New Jersey, and as such we worked together often from March 2008 to September 2009. Rayne's amazing facial expressions made her an instant favorite among BPH fans, so much so that I received numerous requests to shoot custom sets with her (this photo is from a custom set). Rayne was an easy choice for 2008 Model of the Year, but decided to take a break from modeling at the end of 2009 and focus on family life. We only worked together three times after that unfortunately. Our last shoot was in March 2015. Rayne was the third model (after Fayth and Debbie D) to be inducted into the BPH Hall of Fame.
AMF I often comment that some of the best models in BPH history were never actually models at all-they only worked for Bill's Playhouse! Such is the case with AMF, who was BPH Model of the Year in 2011. I met AMF and her husband one night at work, and immediately noticed her expressive face and brilliant blue eyes. AMF mentioned to me that she is a photographer, so I gave her my card and asked her to visit my website. AMF agreed to work with me, and in October 2011 we had our first-of many-shoots. AMF was local to me so we worked together often for three years, until she took a break from work (and Bill's Playhouse) to focus on family life. This photo is the last one I ever took of AMF, in July 2014. We chat every now and then, so I am keeping my fingers crossed for a return to the Playhouse.
Abigail Sinclair
I will never forget the first time I met Abigail Sinclair. Abigail-new modeling name as of October 2022-was working in a biker bar in central New Jersey when she answered an ad I posted for models on the internet classifieds in December of 2009. At the time I playing in a softball league right down the street from that place, yet I hadn't been inside in 25 years. When I finally went back, I noticed two things- the place looked exactly the same as it did in 1985, and Abigail's gorgeous blue eyes were staring at me from behind the bar! Ms. Sinclair agreed to work with me on one condition-we had to shoot her first set in that building! I agreed, and on Dec 30, 2009 Abigail Sinclair made her Bill's Playhouse debut. Abigail went onto win 2010 BPH Model of the Year (called "Scream Queen of the Year in 2010) and continued to work with me for three years, until she took a break for family life. Then three years later-in the spring of 2016-she returned to Bill's Playhouse and hasn't missed a beat. Abigail Sinclair was inducted into the BPH Hall of Fame in 2015, and still works with me today!
Mel Mel
Mel Mel was referred to me by her good friend (BPH Hall of Famer) Melissa late in 2012, and quickly became my best local model! Mel-who lived less than fifteen minutes from me at the time-was in an incredible TWENTY Bill's Playhouse sets in three and a half years! Those twenty sets were shot between November 2012 to April 2016,with nineteen other models-many of them BPH Hall of Famers-and are some of the greatest sets in Bill's Playhouse history. Mel Mel was always an absolute pleasure to work with-beautiful, talented,passionate, and totally professional, making her an easy choice for both Model of the Year in 2013, and the BPH Hall of Fame. Mel Mel has retired from modeling and has moved on to bigger and better things. I wish her well.
There weren't too many models in BPH history who had a year-actually it was eight months-like Alexandra did in 2012. Eight shoots from February 2012 to October 2012, every one of them exceptional. Alexandra was an easy choice for BPH Model of the Year in 2012, then poof-she was gone! When I finally heard from Alexandra (last year/2020) she informed me that she is living a happy life in Europe with her partner, thanked me for reaching out to her, and was glad to hear that Bill's Playhouse is doing well!